I haven't been able to read the PDF pile. Normally, I hate procrastinating, but when you know your brain is not in a receptive mood, might as well put it off for a more productive time.
I better get the tech blog up and running so others can share in the content and build something that followers of the local tech scene can visit.
Before that goes up, I might as well put the personal entries in here and shift the content towards that. I've been holding back on that for too long.
Over the weekend, I finished the Yuri's Revenge Allied mission, which I put on hold for months. I also played the Warcraft 3 mission and am currently at Undead #5. I am not what you would normally call a "gamer," since I'd rather do more productive things - or waste time on the net. But it's OK once in a while.
The only tech development is that I'm getting more involved working with Oracle. I used to look at database management - and any business programming - with distaste. However, it's important for career survival. I'm looking into learning at least the working basics.
I visited the Philippine Book Fair today and didn't see anything extraordinary. I noted some tech books that I might want to take in the future, but nothing about Refactoring or Patterns that I need right now. The Software Engineering texts I saw were boring. I did see the new graphic novel of Arnold Arre, which I will go back to buy. I believe it's the first such book, under the Anino ("shadow") imprint of Adarna House Publishing.
The PEx Book Club is planning to meet next Saturday at the Book Club, for the second anniversary. I'm one of the founding members, even if I hardly read fiction. In fact, I joined the club to "force" me to read fiction that I otherwise wouldn't touch. I have been reading some novels lying around the house, though, since I've finished all the non-fiction there is to read. Budget permitting, I might treat myself to some history and sociology books from the Book Fair.
I envy people in the arts and media because they are known to the mainstream - "glamorous," even. I'd like to be achieve that. My own dabbling in the arts hasn't led to much, and my idea of making tech people into pop culture icons hasn't made headway yet. In time, in time.
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