Everything and Nothing

Saturday, July 06, 2002

I finally have my first original article online. I have got one more to do, and a bunch of ideas to develop. Now, I hope they get read and commented on. I also put more stuff on at my home page, like my public to do list and calendar.

I used to write columns for a newspaper,then for a computer magazine. I quit because I got no feedback and had no idea if anyone was reading. At least with the web, we have access logs to show how many people are reading, though there is no idea as to who they are and what they think. I hope they write soon.

Last night, I went to bed at 10:30 which is very early for me. I fell asleep quickly, which is rare for me. I had found the Axis bug in the Jakarta Commons Logging component. I emailed the Commons people last night but got no response today. I'm happy I got to practice using the JSwat debugger.

I confirmed today that a guy I met through PEx, Mico Ong, now plays guitar for Fuseboxx, a female-fronted progressive rock band I saw at UNTV's In The Raw. I loved their performance and look forward to watching them soon. If I get serious about playing drums, maybe I could also play prog. For now, I'll just be a fan.


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